A brazed plate heat exchanger consists of a series of corrugated plates that hang from a carrying bar and are clamped between movable and fixed heads. The heat transfer plates are typically made of stainless steel but are available in different materials. A channel cover connects the plates and allows process fluid to enter the plate pack. A brazing process eliminates gaskets, allowing for higher design pressure and temperatures.
The brazed plate heat exchanger uses two adjacent plates with embossed chevron patterns. The plates are rotated 180 degrees, forming a lattice of intersecting channels. The fluids can either flow counter-current or co-current, and the special corrugation patterns promote high turbulence, improving the heat transfer rate and reducing deposits inside the unit. This heat transfer is enhanced by a low Reynolds number.
Stainless steel and copper used in the brazing process have high corrosion resistance and must be kept in temperatures between six and eight degrees Fahrenheit. However, the copper used in the brazing process is more sensitive to acids and ammonia, and its pH value needs to be maintained between six and eight to avoid corrosion. Ammonia is not suitable for brazed plate heat exchangers, as it will corrode.
Several manufacturers manufacture a variety of BPHE models for HVAC applications. CPHE units are available in three-, four-, and five-plate sizes. PexUniverse BPHE models have 100-plate capacities. The unit has various connections including 3/4" and 1-1/4", and stainless steel plates are available for most air conditioning applications. The system is highly efficient and requires little maintenance. It can also be used to save energy and refrigerant.
The BPX(tm) Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger is the most common type of heat exchanger. It features corrugated plates with a high thermal efficiency and durability. Unlike a conventional plate heat-exchanger, a BPX is available in a variety of model sizes. A BPX is the simplest and most versatile plate heat exchanger for HVAC systems. You can find multiple models and choose the one that suits your needs best.
A brazed plate heat exchanger is an excellent choice for industrial and commercial markets. The unit is compact, low-maintenance, and offers excellent resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. The 10x20 model is a popular choice and is available in sanitary and industrial versions. With two weeks lead time, this model is available for industrial and commercial applications. It has a wide range of benefits, and has the highest price-performance ratio.
BPHE is the most efficient type of heat exchanger on the market. This type of exchanger is compact and can reduce the amount of space needed for cooling and heating. Its compactness and high-efficiency allows it to save space, power, and money. A brazed plate heat-exchanger is the best choice for many applications. In addition to maximizing your profits, a brazed plate heat exchanger also offers a low life-cycle cost.